Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wacky Wednesday Write-up #4

This week's day with the boys ended up to be Thursday instead of Wednesday due to Chase's doctor appointment. Nevertheless, we had a great day. Daddy and Colby came with us to Children's for Chase's appointment. Scott is on Spring Break this week which has been really great, he's been able to pick up the boys and even take them to school a few times...

On the way to his appointment, Chase was so cute and brave, he asked why we were going to the doctor and if he was going to get "poked." I told him that we had to do a check up and that he might but it would be really fast. He asked if he would get his arm bandage like a super hero and I told him he would if he had to get poked. He said that he was going to be strong and not cry. And that is just what he did... He was so brave, I have never seen him so calm when he has had to give a blood sample. He did start to cry a little after a few seconds though but only because he had to give a lot of blood this time for some tests to rule out a few different conditions with his neutropenia. He's doing really well but our hematologist would like to run a few more tests. Overall our appointment went well and we went to lunch as we always do after a Children's appointement, we went to Red Robin. But, this time we went downtown to the waterfront restaurant so Chase could see all the boats in Elliott Bay. He had a blast... and ate really well. Colby had fun, too. Colby even had real macaroni and cheese with cantalope. I tell ya, that kid will eat anything! He's such a fabulous eater!!!

After lunch our aviation adventure began. We decided to go to the Museum of Flight before our appointment today because Chase has never been and because he loves airplanes. Also because we like to do something "fun" after one of our not so fun Children's appointments. Chase is often "poked" and with the exception of this time doesn't usually take it well. He was a little tired, we were way past his naptime and he almost fell asleep in the car minutes before we arrived but he rallied and we had a great time! He love sitting in the planes and walking through the Concord. I think the highlight for mom and dad was Air Force One and walking through the same plan that President Kennedy and Jackie O. traveled in. It was fascinating to me to see their private state room, the old fashioned copy machines, type writers and telephones on board as well as the service areas. The entire plane was so retro but I'm sure was top of the line and "modern" then...

We ended our time in Seattle with a visit to Grandma Dresden and Grandpa Randy's graves. It was the first time we have gone there together as a family since Colby was born. It was a sunny afternoon and I'm sure Grandma Dresden was smiling down at us glad for our visit, and glad to meet little Colby.

Our day together this week wasn't quite so wacky as it was full and fun and wonderful. It doesn't matter what the McDaniel clan is up to as long as we are all together. I live for days like these, the unexpected days full of joy and love really... I didn't have a clue last night as I closed my eyes wishing for sleep but lay there worried about today's appointment with a new doctor and new tests for Chase that today would be as wonderful as it was. And, it really was.

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