Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wacky Wednesday #10: A Day at Home

Today was a fairly uneventful day with the boys at home. I was really excited to have my schedule back to normal this week. Since we returned from Florida and school has started things have been quite nutty around here...

I always try to get the boys out of the house during our Wednesday adventures but today was one of those days where you just can't get motivated enough to motivate the kids, or at least Chase. Chase just wanted to be home today, at first he refused to take off his PJs then I got him dressed for about 5 minutes and then while I was folding laundry he found another pair of pajamas that he just had to wear and he did for the rest of the day. We actually did a lot of cleaning and housework today, Chase helped with sorting the laundry while Colby preceded to take everything that was sorted and put it back into the basket. We also got reacquainted with Caillou and watched a few episodes of Caillou on apple TV along with a few spiderman episodes. I'll take the good with the bad I guess... Chase is and has been for the last year obsessed with superheros and so we let him watch a little of the superheros shows, the Avengers, Spiderman, and now there's another cartoon called Captain Biceps which he LOVES but I am not a fan. It's innocent enough I guess just loud and sort of annoying.

We spent our time playing downstairs and then upstairs and then downstairs and then upstairs. Colby napped for about an hour. I'm finding that Colby's schedule is really unpredictable and I just can't get him down for another nap when I'm at home with him. He doesn't nap at daycare so that makes sense but he just seems so tired. He has fully recovered from his almost pneumonia, appetite is good and for the most part unless Chase is trying to bop him in the face or take away a toy that he is playing with he is all smiles. While downstairs the boys love to play in my closet and our bathroom. Today they started drumming together on our tub in our bathroom, totally random but so cute because they were playing together and cracking each other up. I just love it when they laugh and are having fun together, it is the best feeling. Chase and I have had some serious conversations about his little brother recently and Chase hasn't been too keen on his brother lately so when they have moments of laughter and joy it is really special.

Chase and Colby playing together
So because our day was so uneventful here's a quick update on how they're doing...

Colby is getting a couple more teeth in addition to his two top and two bottom. The next two are coming in on top both sides. He's been a little fussy because of this, too. He's also started saying a few words though it seems he's a little behind where Chase was in that category, he was ahead of Chase in walking about a month. He can say Da Da or De Da and MMMaMa and Uh-OHHHHH, and OOOH. He's also so fun to watch play with cars or trucks he will make the car or truck noise while pushing them all over. So cute. I had a few moments today where Chase and Colby were parallel playing with trucks or Chase's Thomas Train and it was so fun to watch. Colby's sleeping okay but we're still having to sleep with him and Chase. Not ready to bite the bullet just yet and change this routine. I know, I know it has to be done. Both Scott and I go round and round on when, it just never seems to be the right time. Colby is doing much better at school, I am so relieved. He was having a little trouble with naptime and bottles but things seem to be going well. Drop-off is a challenge. I do the drop and go which is like peeling off a band aid you just have to do it and do it fast. I feel a little guilty but I know that he's fine within minutes of me leaving.

Chase has a Children's appointment next week on Thursday which just happens to be my birthday. Which is a bummer but I'm sure all will be okay I just hate that we'll have to do labs and then be there half the day but as long as he's doing well I'll do whatever we need to do. Chase is no longer taking a BaBa at night, he still has a little milk in a sippy but not in a bottle which is a huge milestone for Chase. He's almost completely potty trained with the exception of night time where he still wears a pull up but we're working on that. He's so inquisitive, asks questions all the time about how things work and why things are the way they are. He's still painfully shy even with family he knows well. He does warm up after awhile but it takes some time to get there. He likes school but it is a challenge to get him up and ready in the morning but once he's dressed and had a little breakfast he's good to go.

Tomorrow is a work/school day as is Friday and then the weekend. I'm looking forward to the weekend as always with all my boys at home with a few events planned. :)