Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wacky Wednesday Write-up #4

This week's day with the boys ended up to be Thursday instead of Wednesday due to Chase's doctor appointment. Nevertheless, we had a great day. Daddy and Colby came with us to Children's for Chase's appointment. Scott is on Spring Break this week which has been really great, he's been able to pick up the boys and even take them to school a few times...

On the way to his appointment, Chase was so cute and brave, he asked why we were going to the doctor and if he was going to get "poked." I told him that we had to do a check up and that he might but it would be really fast. He asked if he would get his arm bandage like a super hero and I told him he would if he had to get poked. He said that he was going to be strong and not cry. And that is just what he did... He was so brave, I have never seen him so calm when he has had to give a blood sample. He did start to cry a little after a few seconds though but only because he had to give a lot of blood this time for some tests to rule out a few different conditions with his neutropenia. He's doing really well but our hematologist would like to run a few more tests. Overall our appointment went well and we went to lunch as we always do after a Children's appointement, we went to Red Robin. But, this time we went downtown to the waterfront restaurant so Chase could see all the boats in Elliott Bay. He had a blast... and ate really well. Colby had fun, too. Colby even had real macaroni and cheese with cantalope. I tell ya, that kid will eat anything! He's such a fabulous eater!!!

After lunch our aviation adventure began. We decided to go to the Museum of Flight before our appointment today because Chase has never been and because he loves airplanes. Also because we like to do something "fun" after one of our not so fun Children's appointments. Chase is often "poked" and with the exception of this time doesn't usually take it well. He was a little tired, we were way past his naptime and he almost fell asleep in the car minutes before we arrived but he rallied and we had a great time! He love sitting in the planes and walking through the Concord. I think the highlight for mom and dad was Air Force One and walking through the same plan that President Kennedy and Jackie O. traveled in. It was fascinating to me to see their private state room, the old fashioned copy machines, type writers and telephones on board as well as the service areas. The entire plane was so retro but I'm sure was top of the line and "modern" then...

We ended our time in Seattle with a visit to Grandma Dresden and Grandpa Randy's graves. It was the first time we have gone there together as a family since Colby was born. It was a sunny afternoon and I'm sure Grandma Dresden was smiling down at us glad for our visit, and glad to meet little Colby.

Our day together this week wasn't quite so wacky as it was full and fun and wonderful. It doesn't matter what the McDaniel clan is up to as long as we are all together. I live for days like these, the unexpected days full of joy and love really... I didn't have a clue last night as I closed my eyes wishing for sleep but lay there worried about today's appointment with a new doctor and new tests for Chase that today would be as wonderful as it was. And, it really was.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wacky Wednesday Write-up #3

Another week has already passed, and it's time for another wacky update! :-) Today was another great day with the boys even though I wasn't as organized as I was on Saturday with my Spring/Easter activity. However, we had fun doing many things and mostly just spending time together without any formal schedule or plan.

We spent the morning in the loft coloring, and playing on the school bus. I took a few really cute photos of Colby sitting at the table with Chase... he's not totally ready for that yet, sitting alone without support, but he sat still long enough for me to shoot a few photos.

Then, after we played for a bit it was time for lunch. I'm happy to report that Colby is now eating real food not just puree's but mushy, soft stuff and little snacks that easily dissolve like puffs, kix, small bites of bread and cheese, even turkey! He loves nanas just like Chase, too. He's such a good eater, when I was prego with him that was one thing I prayed and hoped for was that little Colby would be a good eater and be healthy, of course. Well, he's living up to my hopes & dreams! He eats so well and likes pretty much anything. I think he's even teaching Chasers a thing or two although we haven't seen the effects yet, I know Chase is soaking it all in what Colby is eating and how much attention he gets when eats something new. Fingers are crossed that Colby's good eating habits will rub off on his big bro. Colby is also getting the hang of feeding himself, picking up food and shoveling it in although sometimes he misses. :-)

After lunch, it was fairly nice out. It was a little cool and overcast but the sun came out for a bit and so we ventured outside. Colby was napping so Chase and I had a chance to explore and have some fun. We did our exploring in the garage. Anyone who knows us well knows that cleaning out our garage is a never ending battle and so our garage is full of a ton of stuff  from a pop-up camper, 2-person kayak, any tool you can think or dream of (thanks to my handyman hubby), treadmill, an excercise bike, to tricycles, wagons, push toys, basketball goals and an array of toys that is any little boys dream. During our garage adventure, Chase spotted a Daddy tool and became adamant about playing with the "Big, Huge, Spray Thing" that Daddy let him play with a couple weekends ago. ("Big, Huge, Spray Thing = Pressure washer.) After about 20 minutes of "no, honey you cannot play with the big, huge, spray thing," I convinced him to focus on finding something else to play with. That's when we found it! His Buzz Light Year Spaceship!!! We had so much fun setting this up and making it blast off! I only wish we were in our bathing suits in 80 degree weather to enjoy it the way it was intended -- the spaceship is technically a toy sprinkler!

Well, my wacky day isn't quite over yet but thought while Chase is sort of relaxing watching Dragon Tails (no, he didn't nap today, Scott ;-) and Colby is napping I would try and gather my thoughts and write... I have a feeling I'm going to be out of commission as soon as Daddy gets home. As always the boys have kept me on my toes which I love, especially now that Colby is so active and he and Chase can play together... but it is exhausting!!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wacky Wednesday Write-up #2

My Wacky Wednesday with the boys turned into a Chaotic Monday with Chase at home sick. He woke up with a fever on Monday morning. After a trip to our pediatrician, a full CBC, strep test, and breakfast at Kelly's we spent the rest of the day at home cuddled on the couch watching his fav cartoons, batman, spiderman and now, ironman. His fever broke later that day and he was almost his normal, energetic, stubborn, hilarious little self with the exception of his slightly still sore throat.

We found out today that he did have Strep but not A, the kind they normally treat with antibiotics but Step B, which usually the body responds to and kids get over pretty quick. Also, the CBC results were pretty good, WBC counts are up even from his appt at Children's a few weeks ago. Yea! Anyway, he had a good day at home with Scott yesterday, no fever, full energy, good appetite (well "good" for Chase anyway, he's such a picky eater!) Anyway, he was back at school today, and both Scott and I were back at work, back at the grind and our "normal" routine.  Little Colby was at school, too. He will have a full week at school without a day home which I'm not too happy about but that's the way it goes. When your kid gets sick your schedule and plans for the day, the week goes right out the window...but its all worth it to be there to hold them and wipe their tears through all the yucky, "pokey" tests... Chase is such a brave little boy. I am reminded of that each time we have to go through all the tests and check up appointments. But, he is doing really well and that is all that matters. He is healthy and thriving and a typical 3-year old and I'm so blessed to have him in my life.

Well, Colby will be 8 months old tomorrow. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone... I find myself saying that every month when he's yet another month old... He's doing so well, started crawling last week and now he's pulling himself up to a standing position. He seems just a little ahead of Chase when he was that age... Chase started crawling right around 9 mos and started walking about 2 weeks later, he didn't crawl for very long at all. Colby seems to be approaching crawling and walking much in the same way but just a little earlier than Chase... He's so determined to get to the next step, I sware he wants to be just like his big brother. 

When Colby is upset Chase has a way of just looking at him with a smile and Colby will stop crying and start giggling almost immediately... I just love my boys. I'm a lucky mama. I missed my day with them today, this is definitely a tough week. Two more days until the weekend. I have some fun Easter/Spring activities planned for our day together on Saturday. Scott is off to another training all day so I will have my day with them soon!  :) Here are a few photos of Colby this morning... 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wacky Wednesday Write-up #1

My work schedule is now more consistent as of a few weeks ago, and my day at home with the boys will be Wednesdays (most weeks). So, after a couple Wednesdays already at home with them, I thought how fun it would be to do a recap of these wonderful days at home each week chronicling our wacky, fun adventures together. So here it goes...

Today's adventure began at 3:19 a.m. when my husband woke me up with a quick but firm tap on my shoulder. I was on "Chase" duty last night and accidentally fell asleep with him after reading All The Thinks You Can Think I think three times. I was snuggling with him in his bottom bunk when I felt that tap. Chase had just woke up not 10 minutes before to see if I was there, I assured him I was and rubbed his back...So, after following Scott and Colby, Colby who was wide-awake in his arms, to our room, he informed me that he had been up with Colby every hour since 11ish... and it was my turn. Luckily, I was not that tired and had had about 6 hours of sleep booked for the night and I gladly took my sweet baby boy into my arms. Scott ventured upstairs to continue the snuggle fest with Chase...Oh, how I love snuggling...both my boys seem to love it! It will be a sad day when they grow out of that and don't want to snuggle anymore. :(

Well, Colby and I had quite an early morning together...He wouldn't take a bottle and barely took is binky. His bottom two teeth are in so it's time for the tops to come through, so I'm fairly sure all the restless, fussy behavior is teething... I'm just glad he hasn't been getting a fever and ear infection every time a tooth comes in like Chase did!!! Knock on wood!!! 

So, I debated on whether to just face the fact that he was up and alert and not going to go to sleep, officially get up and start a pot of coffee or do I resist and begin the rocking, standing bouncing, rocking, standing bouncing routine that may put him to sleep...After rocking for a minute or two, he started to rub his eyes -- yes! He just might go back to sleep!! And, he did!!! He and I snuggled for about an hour, until 4:30ish and he woke again, we went through the routine again but this time he had about 4 oz. and fell asleep the second time a little easier... We officially rose out of bed around 5:45 a.m. ready to face the world, and our sleepy daddy and brother who actually slept in until about 6:30 a.m. -- lucky ducks!!

I knew I was in for it when I was fairly energetic so early in the morning, I was bound to hit the wall, around noonish and need a nap/break/shower, some sort of respite from these two little monsters (I say lovingly :). We had a fun morning, watched a little PBS, George, Sesame Street, Super Y, then the request to "watch a movie". We have appleTV and Chase has his favorite queue of movies all lined up that he loves to watch, Garfield Superforce, Batman (yes, we do let him watch a few of those), Open Season, Kipper, Martha, Free Willy, and a couple others... my deal is that he has to help me do a little cleaning, we get the laundry started, pick up our toys, rooms, and he helps with drying some of the dishes that don't go into the dishwasher, then he can watch... Then, after he watches, it's time to either play outside, or do something creative inside (we've been inside a lot with the awful weather). Most of the time we play with play-doh. Today, however, we didn't we decided to put on superhero capes and fly. Which really means, mommy carrying Chase all around the house while he pretends to fly--oh my aching back!!! 

Meanwhile, Colby has been pivoting, scooting, crawling, backwards that is and keeping me on my toes as well, all day... since 3:30 a.m. this morning really... but he's so close to crawling... honestly, I wish he would just get those knees moving because he gets a little frustrated and he makes me a little nervous because he doesn't always seem steady on all fours, knees or feet! He's trying so hard, though... He really just wants to get moving so he can play with his big brother... the way he watches everything Chase does and giggles at whatever Chase does or says, is sooo super cute, brings tears to my eyes because I hope they are buds and get along when their older.... I know Colby will just admire his big brother and want to be just like him, I can already tell. Chase told me last night right before we dozed off that he likes his daddy, and mommy, and loves Colby, oh yeah, and he loves his bear and baby, too! (Two of his stuffed animals he sleeps with :)

Here are a couple of photos of Colby today... he's definitely getting around even if he's not technically crawling yet!
This morning Colby maneuvered himself under the rocking chair, most likely crawling backwards!

Colby loves his piggy from Aunt JJ!

So, I actually hit the wall around 1 p.m. when Chase was so close to napping, I had Colby down, too, but just as Chase finished his afternoon baba and his eyes started to get a little droopy, Colby started to cry and nap time was officially over. It is such a challenge to get Chase down for a nap if Colby is awake. So, if Colby wakes up from his nap before I get Chase completely asleep, it's just not gonna happen! So, it didn't today. There are days I do get lucky and after today's Wacky day, I hope next week's Wednesday will be one of those days. As much as I LOVE being home with the boys and I don't have to focus much on work at all, just keep things moving and monitor emails/voicemails, I do crave a little down time however unrealistic and nutty that may seem, I do hope for that hour or two where both boys are napping peacefully!!!

We did make it outside finally, I thought we may have missed our window after the sunny day turned to rain, clouds and hail but the storm passed through and the clouds parted, and the sun came out again... so right when things started to get a little nuts, I knew I had to get the boys outside... so we played on the swings, did a little digging and raking with our new shovel & rake (Chase's new favorite activity outside! I've gotta get a little garden going for him soon!). And then, Daddy came home -- very early!!! At around 3:30!! I'm not sure but my call to him around 2 p.m. before I took the boys outside asking him when he'd be home (as if I didn't know) gave him a little hint that I just might need reinforcements before his usual time of coming on around 5:30... I also imagine he might feel just a tad guilty for waking me up at 3:30 but we do that a lot, tag team when one of the boys just isn't having a good night... So, anyway, my awesome husband saved the day and is now out with the boys running errands... I think we needed coffee -- coffee is a must have at our house! And, while they were out, I got my second wind and was able to keep my date with Jillian Michaels and do my 30 Shred today!