Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wacky Wednesday #9: The boys go to the dentist!

It has been awhile since I've had my Wednesday at home with the boys and today was a busy day. I woke up to a big kiss from Colby this morning. He ended up sleeping with me after waking around 3 a.m. because I was too tired. At around 5:30 a.m. I feel Colby stir so I wasn't technically fully asleep but my eyes were closed and I wasn't quite awake. I then feel him come close to me and feel his breath and then I feel his lips, open on mine. He doesn't really know how to kiss, he's doing the big open mouth kisses right now which is so cute but sort of gross at the same time. :-) I opened my eyes and he had the biggest smile on his face. Even though I was hoping he would roll over and give me another hour or even two of sleep, I couldn't resist his big smile and happy face. We cuddled for just a bit and then got up to make coffee.

The big event of the day was Chase's first official dentist appointment. Chase went once when he had a few teeth around 1 yr old but not since. And, I've been a little worried about his two front teethers due to a little discoloration. I think because we've let him have too much juice in a sippy cup which we are slowly trying to break him from, the juice and the sippy -- not an easy task! Colby went, too, and had his teethers checked out (he has four, two top and two bottom).

I started to prep Chase for the appointment a few days ago when I made the appointment by telling him we're going to get his teeth looked at by "the teeth guy." I didn't want to even mention the word doctor because he will immediately think he will get "poked." For the last couple days he seemed really okay with that, understood that we need to get his teeth checked to make sure everything was okay. This morning he started to balk just a bit but got dressed and into the car without a fight. On the way, he asked me if we were seeing the "teeth doctor" and if he was going to get poked. I hadn't said doctor so I was surprised he did but he's so intuitive he knew what I was up to. I said, no that he wouldn't get poked and that "the teeth doctor" was just going to take a peek and it would be a fast and easy appointment. We then practiced opening our mouths really big and wide and showing all our teethers. He laughed and was in a pretty good mood. Colby, of course, went with the flow.

We arrived and all went well as we checked in until Chase peeked around the corner into one of the patient rooms. He could see a patient getting a cleaning and that's when saw the tools and heard the drill. He got a little nervous but didn't quite freak out but didn't want to go and kept saying it to me over and over and over. As I tried my best to balance holding and chasing Colby throughout the waiting room, while filling out the paperwork and comforting Chase, my wonderful husband walks in. I wasn't sure he would be able to make it, and honestly he is so busy this week with school schedules that I didn't think he would but what a relief that he did! He ROCKS! Even though the situation wasn't out of hand (yet) I had the feeling I would need a second pair of hands on this one...

We met Dr. Kao who is so wonderful, talked through some of our concerns and questions and then it was time for the exam. The dental assistant was great, too, she was able to get Chase's attention after blowing up one of the rubber exam gloves into a balloon. That got Colby's attention, too. She also mentioned that after Dr. Kao takes a quick look that he can pick out a treasure from the treasure box. Chase is all about little surprises, treats or treasures so he was happy to hear this. (I had also promised a little something if he was a good boy, I know I have to stop this but it really works and doesn't have to be a big something, just something!) All of this and even sitting on Scott's lap in the exam chair did not motivate him to let Dr. Kao examine him. I have been nervous about this dentist appointment with Chase for awhile and may have procrastinated a bit in scheduling it because I know he can be a challenge. When he doesn't want to do something, he will not do it. And, he is starting to develop a fear of any kind of doctor due to his neutropenia and the dozens if not more times he has had labs done to check his CBCs. I understand this, he's gone through a lot with the many tests we've had done over the last 2+ years, so any kind of dr. appt not only puts him on edge it does us as well, even an easy exam like a dental exam at 3 years old.

Well, after lots of encouragement from us all, I suggested that Colby go first and he found that acceptable and agreed to let Dr. Kao "count" his teeth after he counted Colby's first. Colby seems to always be our little guinea pig when it comes to things like this. He's so brake and open and at this age not scared of people or anything. He sat right in my lap and gave Dr. Kao the biggest grin. Dr. Kao took a look and counted all of his four teeth. It took all of 5 seconds. Colby did great and his teethers are looking good.

Next, came Chase. He got right in my lap without a big fuss and let Dr. Kao count his teeth -- it was just as easy as Colby's! His teeth look good, no issue or real concern from the slight discoloration on his two front teeth but the doctor confirmed what we knew, no more sippy cup and no juice if we can do it. After the appointment and both boys picked out their treasures, we headed to Target to pick up "big boy" cups and Chase was happy. I don't think getting rid of our sippys will be a big deal (fingers crossed!).

The rest of the day was busy, too. When we got home, we made a late breakfast of eggs, waffles and toast. Colby actually ate his eggs! That is the one food we haven't been able to get him to eat but he loved them this morning! We played outside, Chase rode his bike, Colby rode in the blue car, then we went for a walk around the neighborhood. It was a beautiful day today and even though I'm getting eager for Fall to come, I love soaking up the sun and will take an 75+ degrees and sunshine any day! We then watched a little Diego and then made rice krispy treats in the shape of Mickey Mouse from our new Mickey Mouse cookie cutter -- so fun!

All in all another great Wednesday with my boys. Even though later in the day Colby was a little off after we got back from the appointment and had lunch. He napped only 45 min. and was a little cranky after lunch. I think he's trying hard to not nap in the morning due to his new routine at day care even though they try and get him down in the morning and afternoon. It's as if he doesn't want to miss anything but he really does need the sleep. I'm hoping that after a few weeks (yesterday was only his 6th day at his new school) that he'll get into a new routine there and get the naps he needs. His buddy from his old daycare started on Monday so he has a familiar face other than Chase's at school which I think will help with the transition as well. He'll get there he just needs a little time :)

Colby Turns One in the Sun!

Colby had a lot of firsts in Florida including turning One! We had a little party and were able to celebrate with our family down south. It was a lot of fun and the first birthday we've celebrated in their neck of the woods for quite a while.
Colby and his birthday cupcake -- yum!

Colby wearing his birthday hat!
Gram was a super star making his awesome whale cake which she kept a surprise for me for weeks and all the decordations. When we were growing up she always made our birthday cakes. I had quite a few Barbie doll cakes with the barbie inside and the cake Barbie's dress, they were sooo cute! I just loved those cakes! 
Colby's whale cake that Gram made!

Colby liked playing with his new friends, Pyper and Addi, he's definitely not shy and they weren't either which was so cute. 
Colby with his new friends, Pyper & Addi

Having fun  at the party
Colby was interested in his birthday cupcake but didn't quite dive in like I thought he would. But he did manage to make a mess just as you're supposed to do on your 1st birthday! 

Colby enjoying his birthday cupcake

Colby didn't quite get opening presents but he had a lot of help from his big brother and friends. Chase loved opening Colby's presents and often thought those presents were his and that it was his birthday. I had to remind him that it was Colby's birthday and that he could help him open the gifts. Thankfully a few of our party guests brought Chase a gift or two as well (thanks Uncle Matt & Aunt Casey, Aunt Sandy, and Aunt JJ)! 

And thanks to Uncle Matt who played ball with Chase throughout the day to keep him busy! Uncle Matt's prepared to be Chase's agent one day. He was quite impressed with Chase's baseball skills, Izzy was, too!