Sunday, March 20, 2011

Batman's Catholic?!!

Yes, I think it must be true! He was spotted today during 11 a.m. mass at St. Nicholas Catholic Church in Gig Harbor, Washington... and sat right next to me!!! He even sat on my lap a few times!! ;-) He was disguised as a very adorable, energetic three year old boy proudly wearing his Batman cape... For most of mass he was on his best behavior but towards the end right before communion Batman had hit his limit... he turned to me and said in a not so quiet voice yet not quite screaming, "I've gotta go potty, Mama!"... over and over and over.... 

Yep, Chase wore his Batman cape to church today... it was pretty cute. I have to say for a little boy who is fairly shy in public and around new people; he wore his cape with confidence and was almost a different kid. He smiled at everyone and even shook hands with one of the ushers during 'Peace Be with you.' Since the big Superhero birthday party last weekend it has been almost impossible to get Chase to take off any of his capes. His favorite of course is Batman but he's okay with Superman and Spiderman, too.... if he could he would bathe with a cape on if we'd let him. He'd be absolutely fine naked in the tub with his cape on...he would probably even let us wash his hair without a fight if we'd let him wear his cape. So, the reason I let him wear his cape to church... I was actually fine with it but did worry just a bit that fellow parishioners might think it inappropriate for a child to wear a cape that does in a way represent violence even if he's one of the good guys, but I let him and it was fun to see him wear it... stir things up a bit with the kids and even adults around us. The kicker was when we went up for communion, Chase walked confidently by my side all the way up the long middle isle. Glad to report, lots of smiles and even a "Hi Batman!" and no derogatory remarks on my judgment as a parent... 

So, Chase and I went to mass solo today and this is why....Anyone who's into college basketball knows that it's all about March Madness right now... usually the madness doesn't hit our household too hard this time of year, we're mostly into baseball and football (Chase, too) but the Huskies made it to the next round and can you believe it, FSU did as well. As a UW grad, Scott will route for the Huskies in just about any sport and today he was all about purple and gold and the game which happened to be the same time as mass. Unfortunately, the Huskies lost to UNC by only 3 pts... But, the 'Noles are still in it, so now it's time for garnet and gold, my alma mater! They're playing now and are up 52 to 40 against the Fighting Irish... Go 'Noles!

Anyway, I'd like to make mass a part of the McDaniel family routine... I've sort of been on this spiritual journey lately, and that will have to be another post for another blog at some point, but it was sort of nice to go. Honestly, Scott and I haven't gone much since we moved to the harbor a year or so ago and really are only consistent when we are visiting my folks in Florida and attend the church I grew up in, was baptized in, confirmed in, married in and Chase was baptized in as well. It seems that most of my adult life, I've questioned areas within Catholicism and sometimes, I guess many times, I do not agree on the philosophy, ideology and dogma that surrounds it, but regardless it still feels like home to me. And, now as I'm focused on baptizing Colby, and because Chase is at an age where he is beginning to fully understand concepts and learning something new everyday, it is now much more of a priority to introduce religion and spirituality to my sons, regardless of whether it is Catholicism or Buddhism, it is time and right now, Catholicism is what I have, what I know until my heart leads me elsewhere... or maybe Batman. :-)  

Friday, March 4, 2011

Let the preparations begin...

The weekend officially begins tomorrow and our house will be buzzing with activity. We are preparing for Chase's 3rd birthday party next weekend and also a 5-day visit from Chase & Colby's Gram, my mom. We haven't seen each other since my visit to Florida with the boys in October right before the end of my maternity leave... I'm always amazed by how fast time goes by when my parents or siblings visit and I ask myself, “When was the last time I saw them in person?” It makes me sad but I guess also sort of glad because it always seems hard to believe because we are so in touch in other ways. 

This visit will be a short one but that's okay, even if I could only see my mom for one day it would be more than worth it. I am so glad she is willing to make the trek all the way to Washington State from Florida; even on a direct Alaska Airlines flight it's pretty rough... I think she's more than willing to make the trip 2-3 times a year, not to see me but to see her grandsons of course... which is perfectly fine with me. :-) She's a huge help when she's here, too. Scott loves when she visits, we always have fun catching up and of course, she’s wonderful with Chase and Colby. She was such a blessing when Colby was born, I don't know what I would have done without her... If I had a million bucks she would be flying out every weekend or I'd build her a quest house in my backyard so she and my dad could retire and live with us...not only would I get free childcare, I'd have my own personal hairdresser at my disposal :-) I'd imagine they would definitely need their own guest house, I doubt they'd enjoy sleeping in our guest room/playroom/media room forever... they could always live in our Poulsbo house though but that would be too far, I definitely need my mom like 5 minutes away if she's here... 

Anyway, we're off to a weekend of preparations as we always are when we have house guests or host anything... it is always fun to get into party mode but exhausting, too. Regardless, it will be wonderful to not only have my mom here, her first visit to our new house, but many of our friends and family and many of Chase's buddies, too, for his party. 

It just hit me!!! I can't believe Chase is turning 3! Just this last week, I had a glimpse of Chasers back to his pre-terrible-twos personality -- I hate to say that because it sounds like such a stereotype and because he often is not terrible just challenging, but it is true, there is a phase toddlers/kids this age go through that really tries your patience and can almost put you over the edge... Anyway, I can almost say without a doubt (knock-on-wood) that Chase's sweet, kind, thoughtful personality is almost back, and that I am hopeful and looking forward to #3 and all it will bring...