Friday, February 18, 2011

Of Course!

Chase's vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few months. It seems like every day he has at least two new words and is starting to speak in complete sentences and thoughts... I remember the first time he was able to verbalize exactly what he wanted, I think he was right around 18 mos. His sentences were very simple and the words he used weren't always quite right or how he pronounced certain letters like "Ls" or "Ms" or "Ns," but he was putting words together nonetheless and we were communicating! Some of his first words/sentences were like most kids, "I want that" or "My Ba Ba" or "Lets Go" and of course "Dada and Mama." It was a huge milestone! 

Well, now he's at a completely different level and honestly sometimes I can't believe he's about to turn 3! Sometimes it feels like he's 2-1/2 going on 6! Especially how he's learned to manipulate Scott and me with all those wonderful words he's using... it's really funny. He's such a smart kid, and he knows that Scott and I pick our battles... we're not the most easy going parents but we can be push-overs and he knows just what to say to get what he wants... not all the time but many times. :-) He'll say things like when he's watching his favorite cartoons or movies, "Can I watch my movie just one more time" and of course when that one more time is over, he'll ask again but this time say "Can I watch my movie again just one more time, I promise"... too cute. We usually give in on that one... Or he'll tell me his plan on what he's going to do like, "I'm going to eat my pretzels now, Mama, then I'll pick-up my toys, OK, Mama?"... He'll also tell me or rather order me to do something like "I want juice right now!" which doesn't go over too well and we have a little talk about his tone of voice... Or when Scott puts him to bed, he'll ask to "sleep" with his dump-truck and then say, "I love you, daddy" right after he asks for it... Scott gives in every time. :-) He did just start saying I love you, and actually told Scott that first on his own. Scott does bath and bedtime and usually that's when he uses the "Love" word to try his best not to go to bed. He's only said "I love you" to me a few times when Scott has asked him to... I'm still waiting for the genuine "I love you, Mama" that he says on his own... but I do appreciate and love hearing it even if Scott has to remind him to tell me. :-)  He has also started saying "Na Na Na Boo Boo" ... he hasn't finished the rest of that one but I know it's coming...I'm sure he has picked that one up from his buds at school. :-)

The phrase he's saying all the time now that is completely adorable is "of course!"... Whenever Scott and I ask him to do something or get something or help with something (and as long as he's in a good mood :-) he'll say "of course" and just do it. Like when we come home from school, I'll ask him to take off his shoes and jacket and he'll say "of course." Or if I ask him to get Colby's bottle or something else, he'll say "of course, mama." Too funny!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Music & More...

Today's adventure began at 3:45 a.m. for me. Colby was up, hungry and after his bottle ready to play... I finally got him to settle down and go back to sleep around 4:30 a.m., he slept for an hour and then woke up and actually sat up with a little help by pulling on his blanket, ready to go. (He's on the verge of sitting all by himself, he can do it now with a boppy pillow behind him but he often loses his balance and does a face plant right into the blanket or carpet.) I played with him until about  6 a.m. when I decided it was time to start our day. However, the house was quiet, Scott & Chase were not up yet which meant I had to make coffee -- GRRRR. Anyway, within about 20 minutes or so Scott came downstairs thanks to a very open house with hardwoods and sound travels :-) Chase soon followed and we scrambled to get ready for a day of adventure in Seattle. We were off to the Phinney Ridge Community Center to see the Brian Waite band. The concert was a fundraising/community gathering for IslandWood, and we thought Chase would love the music... 

Chase was interested in the music but didn't dance or wasn't as engaged as I thought or hoped, my Colby danced with me the entire time :-) The concert was a lot of fun and a great way to get some much needed family time after a pretty busy week for both Scott and me, and we have to have some down time to prepare us for the next month.... We do not have a "free" weekend until after Chase's birthday which is March 13th. After the concert off to lunch at our favorite family restaurant, Red Robin.  I'm not much for chains but I have to say that Red Robin is truly the best family restaurant, with balloons for the kids, good food choices for kids and mom & dad, and it's extremely loud which is a must for our family :-) Chase loves getting balloons and today's balloon is his favorite color, yellow...which he still has tied around his wrist at this very moment... 

Another highlight of the day today was getting to catch up with our great friends, Courtney and her son, Jake. Wow, it has been awhile and Jake (5 yrs) is such a big boy now... so smart and so outgoing. He and Chase played together although Chase was still a little shy and timid around Jake, but loved all of Jake's toys, especially the drum set! (yes, uncle Mike, I think we have another drummer in the family :-) It probably won't be long before he is surprised with a drum set of his own but it will not be this upcoming birthday, I just don't think I could handle that right now... maybe for Christmas :-) Courtney and Jake also had the chance to meet Colby for the first time... Colby was his usual happy self, and very interested in his older brother and new friend, Jake. 

We then headed home in a torrential down pour taking us over 2 hours to get home from Seattle which usually takes about 40 min. Ugh -- it felt like a Florida rain. Needless to say, Scott and I are ready to relax and get the kids in bed ASAP... but, it's still a little early. There's no way we're getting Chase to bed at 7 p.m...  Tomrrow's adventure will hopefully be skyping with our Gram and GrandPops, a little housework, Chase has to clean the playroom --toys are everywhere, and I of course must do laundry, oh joy. But I shouldn't complain about laundry as much anymore because our washer/dryer are completely amazing! What previously took me 4-5 loads and drying 2x each load now only takes about 3 loads and they are dry the first time -- woo hoo!

Oh, and one last highlight of the day, and actually the most important of all!!! As many people know Chase is in the midst of potty training, we've been alternating between pull-ups and his Buzz Light Year, Finding Nemo, and Cars underwear... Today, he wore underwear all day and did not have one accident. He went to the potty at the restaurant and at Courtney's house and right when we got home... Yahoo, he's on his way!!!  I am so proud!!! :-)

I just had to...

...create a blog where I could completely focus on and write about my boys... I found with the other blog that I kept wanting to write about them, things that were happening with them, what they were doing, funny stories, etc... and that wasn't my original purpose for creating three2one. I want that blog to be more general info about me, my life, experiences, etc... and not always focused on my kids... but of course they are a huge part of my life and so I've created a blog just for them.... 

Future posts under this blog will tell their story and keep our friends and family up-to-date on all that they are doing, how they are growing and changing, funny little "Chasisms" and new milestones Colby reaches almost every day -- he's growing way too fast! Anyway, I hope those that follow will enjoy... more to come very soon!