Saturday, December 31, 2011
three2one: Another year has come and gone...
three2one: Another year has come and gone...: I am not usually too excited about New Year's. In the past I've had high expectations for New Year's Eve celebrations and more often than no...
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
three2one: Christmas Blessings
three2one: Christmas Blessings: Incredible Chase ready to save the world! It is the day after Christmas and we are spending the day at home, thankfully we have no where ...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Wacky Wednesday #10: A Day at Home
Today was a fairly uneventful day with the boys at home. I was really excited to have my schedule back to normal this week. Since we returned from Florida and school has started things have been quite nutty around here...
I always try to get the boys out of the house during our Wednesday adventures but today was one of those days where you just can't get motivated enough to motivate the kids, or at least Chase. Chase just wanted to be home today, at first he refused to take off his PJs then I got him dressed for about 5 minutes and then while I was folding laundry he found another pair of pajamas that he just had to wear and he did for the rest of the day. We actually did a lot of cleaning and housework today, Chase helped with sorting the laundry while Colby preceded to take everything that was sorted and put it back into the basket. We also got reacquainted with Caillou and watched a few episodes of Caillou on apple TV along with a few spiderman episodes. I'll take the good with the bad I guess... Chase is and has been for the last year obsessed with superheros and so we let him watch a little of the superheros shows, the Avengers, Spiderman, and now there's another cartoon called Captain Biceps which he LOVES but I am not a fan. It's innocent enough I guess just loud and sort of annoying.
We spent our time playing downstairs and then upstairs and then downstairs and then upstairs. Colby napped for about an hour. I'm finding that Colby's schedule is really unpredictable and I just can't get him down for another nap when I'm at home with him. He doesn't nap at daycare so that makes sense but he just seems so tired. He has fully recovered from his almost pneumonia, appetite is good and for the most part unless Chase is trying to bop him in the face or take away a toy that he is playing with he is all smiles. While downstairs the boys love to play in my closet and our bathroom. Today they started drumming together on our tub in our bathroom, totally random but so cute because they were playing together and cracking each other up. I just love it when they laugh and are having fun together, it is the best feeling. Chase and I have had some serious conversations about his little brother recently and Chase hasn't been too keen on his brother lately so when they have moments of laughter and joy it is really special.
So because our day was so uneventful here's a quick update on how they're doing...
Colby is getting a couple more teeth in addition to his two top and two bottom. The next two are coming in on top both sides. He's been a little fussy because of this, too. He's also started saying a few words though it seems he's a little behind where Chase was in that category, he was ahead of Chase in walking about a month. He can say Da Da or De Da and MMMaMa and Uh-OHHHHH, and OOOH. He's also so fun to watch play with cars or trucks he will make the car or truck noise while pushing them all over. So cute. I had a few moments today where Chase and Colby were parallel playing with trucks or Chase's Thomas Train and it was so fun to watch. Colby's sleeping okay but we're still having to sleep with him and Chase. Not ready to bite the bullet just yet and change this routine. I know, I know it has to be done. Both Scott and I go round and round on when, it just never seems to be the right time. Colby is doing much better at school, I am so relieved. He was having a little trouble with naptime and bottles but things seem to be going well. Drop-off is a challenge. I do the drop and go which is like peeling off a band aid you just have to do it and do it fast. I feel a little guilty but I know that he's fine within minutes of me leaving.
Chase has a Children's appointment next week on Thursday which just happens to be my birthday. Which is a bummer but I'm sure all will be okay I just hate that we'll have to do labs and then be there half the day but as long as he's doing well I'll do whatever we need to do. Chase is no longer taking a BaBa at night, he still has a little milk in a sippy but not in a bottle which is a huge milestone for Chase. He's almost completely potty trained with the exception of night time where he still wears a pull up but we're working on that. He's so inquisitive, asks questions all the time about how things work and why things are the way they are. He's still painfully shy even with family he knows well. He does warm up after awhile but it takes some time to get there. He likes school but it is a challenge to get him up and ready in the morning but once he's dressed and had a little breakfast he's good to go.
Tomorrow is a work/school day as is Friday and then the weekend. I'm looking forward to the weekend as always with all my boys at home with a few events planned. :)
I always try to get the boys out of the house during our Wednesday adventures but today was one of those days where you just can't get motivated enough to motivate the kids, or at least Chase. Chase just wanted to be home today, at first he refused to take off his PJs then I got him dressed for about 5 minutes and then while I was folding laundry he found another pair of pajamas that he just had to wear and he did for the rest of the day. We actually did a lot of cleaning and housework today, Chase helped with sorting the laundry while Colby preceded to take everything that was sorted and put it back into the basket. We also got reacquainted with Caillou and watched a few episodes of Caillou on apple TV along with a few spiderman episodes. I'll take the good with the bad I guess... Chase is and has been for the last year obsessed with superheros and so we let him watch a little of the superheros shows, the Avengers, Spiderman, and now there's another cartoon called Captain Biceps which he LOVES but I am not a fan. It's innocent enough I guess just loud and sort of annoying.
We spent our time playing downstairs and then upstairs and then downstairs and then upstairs. Colby napped for about an hour. I'm finding that Colby's schedule is really unpredictable and I just can't get him down for another nap when I'm at home with him. He doesn't nap at daycare so that makes sense but he just seems so tired. He has fully recovered from his almost pneumonia, appetite is good and for the most part unless Chase is trying to bop him in the face or take away a toy that he is playing with he is all smiles. While downstairs the boys love to play in my closet and our bathroom. Today they started drumming together on our tub in our bathroom, totally random but so cute because they were playing together and cracking each other up. I just love it when they laugh and are having fun together, it is the best feeling. Chase and I have had some serious conversations about his little brother recently and Chase hasn't been too keen on his brother lately so when they have moments of laughter and joy it is really special.
Chase and Colby playing together |
Colby is getting a couple more teeth in addition to his two top and two bottom. The next two are coming in on top both sides. He's been a little fussy because of this, too. He's also started saying a few words though it seems he's a little behind where Chase was in that category, he was ahead of Chase in walking about a month. He can say Da Da or De Da and MMMaMa and Uh-OHHHHH, and OOOH. He's also so fun to watch play with cars or trucks he will make the car or truck noise while pushing them all over. So cute. I had a few moments today where Chase and Colby were parallel playing with trucks or Chase's Thomas Train and it was so fun to watch. Colby's sleeping okay but we're still having to sleep with him and Chase. Not ready to bite the bullet just yet and change this routine. I know, I know it has to be done. Both Scott and I go round and round on when, it just never seems to be the right time. Colby is doing much better at school, I am so relieved. He was having a little trouble with naptime and bottles but things seem to be going well. Drop-off is a challenge. I do the drop and go which is like peeling off a band aid you just have to do it and do it fast. I feel a little guilty but I know that he's fine within minutes of me leaving.
Chase has a Children's appointment next week on Thursday which just happens to be my birthday. Which is a bummer but I'm sure all will be okay I just hate that we'll have to do labs and then be there half the day but as long as he's doing well I'll do whatever we need to do. Chase is no longer taking a BaBa at night, he still has a little milk in a sippy but not in a bottle which is a huge milestone for Chase. He's almost completely potty trained with the exception of night time where he still wears a pull up but we're working on that. He's so inquisitive, asks questions all the time about how things work and why things are the way they are. He's still painfully shy even with family he knows well. He does warm up after awhile but it takes some time to get there. He likes school but it is a challenge to get him up and ready in the morning but once he's dressed and had a little breakfast he's good to go.
Tomorrow is a work/school day as is Friday and then the weekend. I'm looking forward to the weekend as always with all my boys at home with a few events planned. :)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Wacky Wednesday #9: The boys go to the dentist!
It has been awhile since I've had my Wednesday at home with the boys and today was a busy day. I woke up to a big kiss from Colby this morning. He ended up sleeping with me after waking around 3 a.m. because I was too tired. At around 5:30 a.m. I feel Colby stir so I wasn't technically fully asleep but my eyes were closed and I wasn't quite awake. I then feel him come close to me and feel his breath and then I feel his lips, open on mine. He doesn't really know how to kiss, he's doing the big open mouth kisses right now which is so cute but sort of gross at the same time. :-) I opened my eyes and he had the biggest smile on his face. Even though I was hoping he would roll over and give me another hour or even two of sleep, I couldn't resist his big smile and happy face. We cuddled for just a bit and then got up to make coffee.
The big event of the day was Chase's first official dentist appointment. Chase went once when he had a few teeth around 1 yr old but not since. And, I've been a little worried about his two front teethers due to a little discoloration. I think because we've let him have too much juice in a sippy cup which we are slowly trying to break him from, the juice and the sippy -- not an easy task! Colby went, too, and had his teethers checked out (he has four, two top and two bottom).
I started to prep Chase for the appointment a few days ago when I made the appointment by telling him we're going to get his teeth looked at by "the teeth guy." I didn't want to even mention the word doctor because he will immediately think he will get "poked." For the last couple days he seemed really okay with that, understood that we need to get his teeth checked to make sure everything was okay. This morning he started to balk just a bit but got dressed and into the car without a fight. On the way, he asked me if we were seeing the "teeth doctor" and if he was going to get poked. I hadn't said doctor so I was surprised he did but he's so intuitive he knew what I was up to. I said, no that he wouldn't get poked and that "the teeth doctor" was just going to take a peek and it would be a fast and easy appointment. We then practiced opening our mouths really big and wide and showing all our teethers. He laughed and was in a pretty good mood. Colby, of course, went with the flow.
We arrived and all went well as we checked in until Chase peeked around the corner into one of the patient rooms. He could see a patient getting a cleaning and that's when saw the tools and heard the drill. He got a little nervous but didn't quite freak out but didn't want to go and kept saying it to me over and over and over. As I tried my best to balance holding and chasing Colby throughout the waiting room, while filling out the paperwork and comforting Chase, my wonderful husband walks in. I wasn't sure he would be able to make it, and honestly he is so busy this week with school schedules that I didn't think he would but what a relief that he did! He ROCKS! Even though the situation wasn't out of hand (yet) I had the feeling I would need a second pair of hands on this one...
We met Dr. Kao who is so wonderful, talked through some of our concerns and questions and then it was time for the exam. The dental assistant was great, too, she was able to get Chase's attention after blowing up one of the rubber exam gloves into a balloon. That got Colby's attention, too. She also mentioned that after Dr. Kao takes a quick look that he can pick out a treasure from the treasure box. Chase is all about little surprises, treats or treasures so he was happy to hear this. (I had also promised a little something if he was a good boy, I know I have to stop this but it really works and doesn't have to be a big something, just something!) All of this and even sitting on Scott's lap in the exam chair did not motivate him to let Dr. Kao examine him. I have been nervous about this dentist appointment with Chase for awhile and may have procrastinated a bit in scheduling it because I know he can be a challenge. When he doesn't want to do something, he will not do it. And, he is starting to develop a fear of any kind of doctor due to his neutropenia and the dozens if not more times he has had labs done to check his CBCs. I understand this, he's gone through a lot with the many tests we've had done over the last 2+ years, so any kind of dr. appt not only puts him on edge it does us as well, even an easy exam like a dental exam at 3 years old.
Well, after lots of encouragement from us all, I suggested that Colby go first and he found that acceptable and agreed to let Dr. Kao "count" his teeth after he counted Colby's first. Colby seems to always be our little guinea pig when it comes to things like this. He's so brake and open and at this age not scared of people or anything. He sat right in my lap and gave Dr. Kao the biggest grin. Dr. Kao took a look and counted all of his four teeth. It took all of 5 seconds. Colby did great and his teethers are looking good.
Next, came Chase. He got right in my lap without a big fuss and let Dr. Kao count his teeth -- it was just as easy as Colby's! His teeth look good, no issue or real concern from the slight discoloration on his two front teeth but the doctor confirmed what we knew, no more sippy cup and no juice if we can do it. After the appointment and both boys picked out their treasures, we headed to Target to pick up "big boy" cups and Chase was happy. I don't think getting rid of our sippys will be a big deal (fingers crossed!).
The rest of the day was busy, too. When we got home, we made a late breakfast of eggs, waffles and toast. Colby actually ate his eggs! That is the one food we haven't been able to get him to eat but he loved them this morning! We played outside, Chase rode his bike, Colby rode in the blue car, then we went for a walk around the neighborhood. It was a beautiful day today and even though I'm getting eager for Fall to come, I love soaking up the sun and will take an 75+ degrees and sunshine any day! We then watched a little Diego and then made rice krispy treats in the shape of Mickey Mouse from our new Mickey Mouse cookie cutter -- so fun!
All in all another great Wednesday with my boys. Even though later in the day Colby was a little off after we got back from the appointment and had lunch. He napped only 45 min. and was a little cranky after lunch. I think he's trying hard to not nap in the morning due to his new routine at day care even though they try and get him down in the morning and afternoon. It's as if he doesn't want to miss anything but he really does need the sleep. I'm hoping that after a few weeks (yesterday was only his 6th day at his new school) that he'll get into a new routine there and get the naps he needs. His buddy from his old daycare started on Monday so he has a familiar face other than Chase's at school which I think will help with the transition as well. He'll get there he just needs a little time :)
The big event of the day was Chase's first official dentist appointment. Chase went once when he had a few teeth around 1 yr old but not since. And, I've been a little worried about his two front teethers due to a little discoloration. I think because we've let him have too much juice in a sippy cup which we are slowly trying to break him from, the juice and the sippy -- not an easy task! Colby went, too, and had his teethers checked out (he has four, two top and two bottom).
I started to prep Chase for the appointment a few days ago when I made the appointment by telling him we're going to get his teeth looked at by "the teeth guy." I didn't want to even mention the word doctor because he will immediately think he will get "poked." For the last couple days he seemed really okay with that, understood that we need to get his teeth checked to make sure everything was okay. This morning he started to balk just a bit but got dressed and into the car without a fight. On the way, he asked me if we were seeing the "teeth doctor" and if he was going to get poked. I hadn't said doctor so I was surprised he did but he's so intuitive he knew what I was up to. I said, no that he wouldn't get poked and that "the teeth doctor" was just going to take a peek and it would be a fast and easy appointment. We then practiced opening our mouths really big and wide and showing all our teethers. He laughed and was in a pretty good mood. Colby, of course, went with the flow.
We arrived and all went well as we checked in until Chase peeked around the corner into one of the patient rooms. He could see a patient getting a cleaning and that's when saw the tools and heard the drill. He got a little nervous but didn't quite freak out but didn't want to go and kept saying it to me over and over and over. As I tried my best to balance holding and chasing Colby throughout the waiting room, while filling out the paperwork and comforting Chase, my wonderful husband walks in. I wasn't sure he would be able to make it, and honestly he is so busy this week with school schedules that I didn't think he would but what a relief that he did! He ROCKS! Even though the situation wasn't out of hand (yet) I had the feeling I would need a second pair of hands on this one...
We met Dr. Kao who is so wonderful, talked through some of our concerns and questions and then it was time for the exam. The dental assistant was great, too, she was able to get Chase's attention after blowing up one of the rubber exam gloves into a balloon. That got Colby's attention, too. She also mentioned that after Dr. Kao takes a quick look that he can pick out a treasure from the treasure box. Chase is all about little surprises, treats or treasures so he was happy to hear this. (I had also promised a little something if he was a good boy, I know I have to stop this but it really works and doesn't have to be a big something, just something!) All of this and even sitting on Scott's lap in the exam chair did not motivate him to let Dr. Kao examine him. I have been nervous about this dentist appointment with Chase for awhile and may have procrastinated a bit in scheduling it because I know he can be a challenge. When he doesn't want to do something, he will not do it. And, he is starting to develop a fear of any kind of doctor due to his neutropenia and the dozens if not more times he has had labs done to check his CBCs. I understand this, he's gone through a lot with the many tests we've had done over the last 2+ years, so any kind of dr. appt not only puts him on edge it does us as well, even an easy exam like a dental exam at 3 years old.
Well, after lots of encouragement from us all, I suggested that Colby go first and he found that acceptable and agreed to let Dr. Kao "count" his teeth after he counted Colby's first. Colby seems to always be our little guinea pig when it comes to things like this. He's so brake and open and at this age not scared of people or anything. He sat right in my lap and gave Dr. Kao the biggest grin. Dr. Kao took a look and counted all of his four teeth. It took all of 5 seconds. Colby did great and his teethers are looking good.
Next, came Chase. He got right in my lap without a big fuss and let Dr. Kao count his teeth -- it was just as easy as Colby's! His teeth look good, no issue or real concern from the slight discoloration on his two front teeth but the doctor confirmed what we knew, no more sippy cup and no juice if we can do it. After the appointment and both boys picked out their treasures, we headed to Target to pick up "big boy" cups and Chase was happy. I don't think getting rid of our sippys will be a big deal (fingers crossed!).
The rest of the day was busy, too. When we got home, we made a late breakfast of eggs, waffles and toast. Colby actually ate his eggs! That is the one food we haven't been able to get him to eat but he loved them this morning! We played outside, Chase rode his bike, Colby rode in the blue car, then we went for a walk around the neighborhood. It was a beautiful day today and even though I'm getting eager for Fall to come, I love soaking up the sun and will take an 75+ degrees and sunshine any day! We then watched a little Diego and then made rice krispy treats in the shape of Mickey Mouse from our new Mickey Mouse cookie cutter -- so fun!
All in all another great Wednesday with my boys. Even though later in the day Colby was a little off after we got back from the appointment and had lunch. He napped only 45 min. and was a little cranky after lunch. I think he's trying hard to not nap in the morning due to his new routine at day care even though they try and get him down in the morning and afternoon. It's as if he doesn't want to miss anything but he really does need the sleep. I'm hoping that after a few weeks (yesterday was only his 6th day at his new school) that he'll get into a new routine there and get the naps he needs. His buddy from his old daycare started on Monday so he has a familiar face other than Chase's at school which I think will help with the transition as well. He'll get there he just needs a little time :)
Colby Turns One in the Sun!
Colby had a lot of firsts in Florida including turning One! We had a little party and were able to celebrate with our family down south. It was a lot of fun and the first birthday we've celebrated in their neck of the woods for quite a while.
Colby liked playing with his new friends, Pyper and Addi, he's definitely not shy and they weren't either which was so cute.
Colby was interested in his birthday cupcake but didn't quite dive in like I thought he would. But he did manage to make a mess just as you're supposed to do on your 1st birthday!
Colby didn't quite get opening presents but he had a lot of help from his big brother and friends. Chase loved opening Colby's presents and often thought those presents were his and that it was his birthday. I had to remind him that it was Colby's birthday and that he could help him open the gifts. Thankfully a few of our party guests brought Chase a gift or two as well (thanks Uncle Matt & Aunt Casey, Aunt Sandy, and Aunt JJ)!
And thanks to Uncle Matt who played ball with Chase throughout the day to keep him busy! Uncle Matt's prepared to be Chase's agent one day. He was quite impressed with Chase's baseball skills, Izzy was, too!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Video Montage
I just realized that I haven't posted many of the video clips of the kids from the last few months... this post includes those videos that made the cut. :-)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
A new look for Colby&Chase, their blog that is...
I've changed the url for Colby and Chase's blog and a new look is in the works (thanks D!)... wanted to do this quick post to share the new link. More adventures to come soon....
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wacky Wednesdays Catch-up
As of today it is officially three weeks since my last write-up. Last week, Colby was battling an ear infection and potentially bronchitis/pneumonia and so I was home with him every day with the exception of Wednesday until later in the afternoon. Chase went to school all week, so it was a hectic week juggling being at home with Colby and trying to work. To add another level of complication to our week, it was Scott's last official full week of school, and even though their last day was yesterday, he was slammed and as busy as ever. But, we got through it and had a great weekend (will blog about that on three2one). I'm also happy to report that Colby is doing great, although still on antibiotics to clear up his ear infection, he's breathing so much better! Even his daycare provider, Miss Nikki, wrote on this daily report yesterday that he was happy all day so he's definitely on the mends especially if Miss Nikki thinks so! She usually doesn't say much about Colby's day so this was a pretty good sign he's doing well!
In addition to Colby feeling better, he has hit a few wonderful milestones the last couple days -- and a scary one. He has now officially learned to wave. He waved to me on Monday morning as I was getting ready for work. In order to get ready in the morning, I often shower first while Scott "hangs" with the boys. He'll start breakfast for them and get Colby's bottles ready for the day. After I'm done showering/dressing, I'll relieve him of his duties with the boys so he can get ready and get out the door on time for school. From that moment on I'm usually in charge of getting them ready among so many other things! :) And, if it just happens to be a day that I wash my hair (I tend to alternate days for this lovely task - I don't mind washing, it's the drying I dislike!) I have to manage them while also managing to get my hair dry and myself presentable for the day. I often leave the house without foundation/make-up/mascara, which I know is a scary thought but a girl has to do what a girl has to do! Or should I say, a mom has to do what a mom has to do! Anyway, I was drying my hair watching the boys, watching Sesame Street (not Colby he was playing while Chase was watching) and I said "hi Colby" and waved to him and he waved back!!! It was so adorable!
The next milestone is that he slept through the night on Monday night!!! Yea!!! He really did, and in his crib, too!!! Last night, he did not but he can definitely do it and we're making progress which is such a huge relief. By now, Chase was completely in his crib (and in a better routine than I think he is in now) but for Colby I was feeling really guilty that we haven't transitioned him fully to his crib yet. But as of Monday night it is a priority and we're committed to making it happen because we now know he can do it! Chase is another story. Yes, I am still sleeping in his lower bunk, it is quite embarrassing but I find myself thinking about how this snuggle time with him will not last long even though it is quite painful. It is always a challenge to get him to stop playing and to get him to go to bed, and if I am really tired, I get really frustrated. He will only sleep with me so Scott is of the hook on this one although I think he would prefer to switch sleeping duty with the boys but Chase throws a fit! So, I guess I've just got to bite the bullet and stop sleeping with him. I know he will sleep better and I obviously will too if I do it. So, I promise to soon. Our trip to Florida in August may be the perfect time to get into a new routine anyway... so that will be my plan. And, we need to break him of his night time before bed "BaBa". I'll keep you posted on how that all goes....
The scary milestone that Colby hit this morning actually, was climbing up the stairs. We are finally at a point where we feel comfortable with Chase going up and down and not needing help even though we do watch him. He's very careful and coordinated and has done it a million times by now... Anyway, so because we are comfortable we sometimes leave the bottom gate open.... And, Colby is always in our sigh,t usually. Although now that little buggar is so fast and crawling all over you really do have to pay attention EVERY second. This morning, the bottom gate was open and he made his way half-way up the stairs!! Chase noticed first and let us know immediately, I was in complete shock.... Anyway, the gate is now closed 100% of the time!
So back to Wacky Wednesdays!!! The week prior to last week and today, I took the boys to Sehmel Park. On both days it was a bit overcast but not raining and warm. Chase LOVES that park and we have great memories there, we visited that park when Gram visited and on the day before I went into labor with Colby. Anyway, I have photos of our visit two weeks ago but didn't take any today. It was a busy day today with school out all over the district so many children were there, it was packed! I was solely focused on playing, watching, and keeping up with Chasers today, no time for the camera. But, looking back I think our quiet day two weeks ago was more fun, and Chase met a friend, Logan who teeter-tottered with him and taught him a few tricks in the sandbox like how to make a slingshot... Here are those photos... enjoy!!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wacky Wednesday Write-up #7
Today was a challenging day to say the least! Chase was a true three year old. I've heard that the "terrible twos" are not as difficult as the "terrible threes" and for my three year old that is proving to be true, at least today... some days are golden and others test you. Yep, today was one of those days. It started from the moment he woke up and Scott nor I could put Chase's spiderman cape on just right... After his complete fit-throwing, breakdown my first thought was to change my entire plan for the day and go to work but guilt started to set in as I promised Chase he did not have to go to school.
The rest of the morning was just as challenging with Chase wanting macaroni and cheese or pretzels for breakfast and then preceded to play really rough with Colby after repeatedly being told to be gentle, do not kick or hit his brother. Honestly, I felt like a referee all day long protecting Colby from Chase's kicks, head-bumps, pushes and hits. I can only guess it will only get worse as the boys get older, stronger and Colby can reciprocate. The scary part is that eventually they will be bigger than me and I will not be able to step in and protect one from the other!!
At about 11 a.m. I decided it was time to get out of the house but the rainy, gloomy day was not helping at all. My idea to get outside and go to the park so that Chase could burn off some of this energy was not going to pan out. So, I decided to try an indoor cafe/play area I heard about in town, Play-A-Latte. It was okay, a few kids and mom's were there, there was a bouncy house, pirate ship and soft play areas for Colby to enjoy but I wasn't thrilled with the place. Chase seemed to be in shy mode and needed me around or close by in order to feel comfortable enough to play.
We did meet another Chase which was really fun. His mom and I chatted for awhile as she tried to protect all the other kids from her Chase. He played a little rough but was sweet. It's so interesting to watch Chase in these situations with other kids with all types of personalities. Chase is usually shy at first until he feels comfortable and gets to know the kids he's with and then he'll be their best bud. We did have a "bully" type situation where a kid was blocking the entrance at the top of the slide and would not let Chase pass by.... I realized this when Chase did not come down the slide for several minutes and went to check on him... I saw the boy completely blocking the slide entrance and when Chase tried to get around, he would block him and put out his arms almost pushing him back. I politely asked the child to let him by and he just stared at me and continued to block the way. The boy's grandpa, who I believe he was with, was busy on his iPhone at the cafe' and not paying attention to what was happening. I asked again in a more stern voice a couple more times and he finally moved. I was a little taken aback by this situation as I haven't had to deal with a kid intentionally bullying my kid before. After Chase got down the slide he was a bit more timid and didn't want to play and instead eat the rest of his lunch.... After the kid left with his grandpa, he turns to me and says, "I want to play now, the bad boy is gone."
We then headed to Target which seems to have become our weekly shopping destination on Wednesdays. Today we went to pick up something special for Chase's friend and a few cards. Chase had fun shopping for his buddy, Matthew, although it was a learning experience as Chase wanted every toy that he was supposed to be picking out for Matthew! :) So, we of course left with another toy for Chase (Scott will be so pleased) only because Chase wore me down and it was within my budget and I knew it would keep him occupied when we got home. Chase is now the proud owner of a new toy bowling set. We had fun the rest of the afternoon bowling, and playing with our new giant bear who is now an official member of our family as of a couple weeks ago thanks to our friend, Miss Cheri who babysat for the boys recently. Chase and Colby love pouncing on the bear and hugging him and laying on him. He's really huge, bigger than me, not taller but bigger in the tummy area, thank goodness :-)
Well, that was our day. I won't say it was one of our best Wednesdays together but the most important part is that we were together. :)
The rest of the morning was just as challenging with Chase wanting macaroni and cheese or pretzels for breakfast and then preceded to play really rough with Colby after repeatedly being told to be gentle, do not kick or hit his brother. Honestly, I felt like a referee all day long protecting Colby from Chase's kicks, head-bumps, pushes and hits. I can only guess it will only get worse as the boys get older, stronger and Colby can reciprocate. The scary part is that eventually they will be bigger than me and I will not be able to step in and protect one from the other!!
At about 11 a.m. I decided it was time to get out of the house but the rainy, gloomy day was not helping at all. My idea to get outside and go to the park so that Chase could burn off some of this energy was not going to pan out. So, I decided to try an indoor cafe/play area I heard about in town, Play-A-Latte. It was okay, a few kids and mom's were there, there was a bouncy house, pirate ship and soft play areas for Colby to enjoy but I wasn't thrilled with the place. Chase seemed to be in shy mode and needed me around or close by in order to feel comfortable enough to play.
We did meet another Chase which was really fun. His mom and I chatted for awhile as she tried to protect all the other kids from her Chase. He played a little rough but was sweet. It's so interesting to watch Chase in these situations with other kids with all types of personalities. Chase is usually shy at first until he feels comfortable and gets to know the kids he's with and then he'll be their best bud. We did have a "bully" type situation where a kid was blocking the entrance at the top of the slide and would not let Chase pass by.... I realized this when Chase did not come down the slide for several minutes and went to check on him... I saw the boy completely blocking the slide entrance and when Chase tried to get around, he would block him and put out his arms almost pushing him back. I politely asked the child to let him by and he just stared at me and continued to block the way. The boy's grandpa, who I believe he was with, was busy on his iPhone at the cafe' and not paying attention to what was happening. I asked again in a more stern voice a couple more times and he finally moved. I was a little taken aback by this situation as I haven't had to deal with a kid intentionally bullying my kid before. After Chase got down the slide he was a bit more timid and didn't want to play and instead eat the rest of his lunch.... After the kid left with his grandpa, he turns to me and says, "I want to play now, the bad boy is gone."
We then headed to Target which seems to have become our weekly shopping destination on Wednesdays. Today we went to pick up something special for Chase's friend and a few cards. Chase had fun shopping for his buddy, Matthew, although it was a learning experience as Chase wanted every toy that he was supposed to be picking out for Matthew! :) So, we of course left with another toy for Chase (Scott will be so pleased) only because Chase wore me down and it was within my budget and I knew it would keep him occupied when we got home. Chase is now the proud owner of a new toy bowling set. We had fun the rest of the afternoon bowling, and playing with our new giant bear who is now an official member of our family as of a couple weeks ago thanks to our friend, Miss Cheri who babysat for the boys recently. Chase and Colby love pouncing on the bear and hugging him and laying on him. He's really huge, bigger than me, not taller but bigger in the tummy area, thank goodness :-)
Well, that was our day. I won't say it was one of our best Wednesdays together but the most important part is that we were together. :)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Nine months in, nine months out!
Colby is nine months old!!! I can't believe he is nine months, the same amount of time I was pregnant with him! I remember feeling like being pregnant for nine months was such a long time, with its ups and downs, but since he was born the time has just flown by! He is my sunshine, he can brighten your day with a big smile and his baby blues!
Over the last few months he has hit soooo many milestones, from crawling to pulling himself up and standing, to eating solid food, cutting his two bottom teeth and top teeth, and saying his first official word. Last week on Thursday morning, he said Da Da when he looked over at Scott... his official first word. I'm not too bummed it wasn't Ma Ma, Chase said Da Da first, too... it's easier to say after all :-) And, today he and Chase were playing together and Chase was doing something just sooo amazing, I'm not sure what he was doing but you know everything Chase does is amazing to his little brother, and he looks at him and says "Whoa!" It was soooo cute!
This is an amazing age, and Colby is truly a joy. I've said this before but he really, truly is such a wonderful baby. He takes whatever his older brother dishes out and usually "takes it" with a smile on his face. He is laid back but also focused and curious, very similar to Chase but not as serious. When he's determined to crawl somewhere, get a specific toy, or get our attention, he goes for it and nothing can distract him! That is, of course, unless there is food around. I am happy to say that his good eating habits from early on have continued at his grand ol' age of 9 mos. He eats so well and is willing to try anything... he loves bananas, melon, pineapple, cantelope, pancakes, muffins, blueberries, sweet potatoes, apples and applesauce, peas, potatoes, and just recently Scott introduced him to hot dogs which he absolutely loves (nitrate free of course :)! When he really likes something, he'll make the 'Mmmm' sound and lick his lips.
Bathtime is his absolutely favorite time of day. He loves taking a bath, he splashes around, grabs for toys and pulls himself up to a standing position in the bath -- he really has no fear in the bath or with anything else for that matter. I suspect he will love swimming... I hope to get him signed up for baby swim class at the Y soon... I think he will have a much better experience than Chase. Chase does not want to swim even now, he says, "I like swimming in the bath but not the big pool."
Over the last few months he has hit soooo many milestones, from crawling to pulling himself up and standing, to eating solid food, cutting his two bottom teeth and top teeth, and saying his first official word. Last week on Thursday morning, he said Da Da when he looked over at Scott... his official first word. I'm not too bummed it wasn't Ma Ma, Chase said Da Da first, too... it's easier to say after all :-) And, today he and Chase were playing together and Chase was doing something just sooo amazing, I'm not sure what he was doing but you know everything Chase does is amazing to his little brother, and he looks at him and says "Whoa!" It was soooo cute!
This is an amazing age, and Colby is truly a joy. I've said this before but he really, truly is such a wonderful baby. He takes whatever his older brother dishes out and usually "takes it" with a smile on his face. He is laid back but also focused and curious, very similar to Chase but not as serious. When he's determined to crawl somewhere, get a specific toy, or get our attention, he goes for it and nothing can distract him! That is, of course, unless there is food around. I am happy to say that his good eating habits from early on have continued at his grand ol' age of 9 mos. He eats so well and is willing to try anything... he loves bananas, melon, pineapple, cantelope, pancakes, muffins, blueberries, sweet potatoes, apples and applesauce, peas, potatoes, and just recently Scott introduced him to hot dogs which he absolutely loves (nitrate free of course :)! When he really likes something, he'll make the 'Mmmm' sound and lick his lips.
Bathtime is his absolutely favorite time of day. He loves taking a bath, he splashes around, grabs for toys and pulls himself up to a standing position in the bath -- he really has no fear in the bath or with anything else for that matter. I suspect he will love swimming... I hope to get him signed up for baby swim class at the Y soon... I think he will have a much better experience than Chase. Chase does not want to swim even now, he says, "I like swimming in the bath but not the big pool."
A few quirky things that he's into right now.. Colby loves swinging doors back and forth and closing them, he thinks it's pretty funny. He also likes playing with the door stops, we have those old-fashioned "boingy" ones and he loves pulling on them and making them "boing." He loves to turn on the floor lamp we have in the upstairs TV room, on and off, on and off. He also loves pulling on any kind of cords. We have to be careful with this because he'll go after anything that is plugged in and try and pull it out of the socket. He also loves our phone charger cords so we have to keep them out of his sight. He loves sitting with me in my closet helping me pick out my clothes! :),Really he sits in with me and plays with a few of my beaded necklaces and has a grand ol' time... He loves opening and closing drawers and cabinets. We also have to be careful with this, he's hit himself in the head a few times!!! Ouch! He was also really into pulling himself up on the granite around the fireplace, he never slipped but we decided it was time for the gate and now it's blocked off.
He is growing well and people just can't believe he is only 9 mos old; he's about 22 lbs. He's already wearing Chase's old 12 month clothes and almost fits into 18 month jeans! Totally different experience than with Chase! Chase was always a few months behind in the clothing department, he still wears 2T t-shirts and some 18-24 month old navy pants/jeans, although they are really short in length they still fit him around the waist!
Colby loves to smile and will smile if you just look in his direction and give him a smile or make a funny face. He also loves to giggle and will laugh at almost anything. He loves to watch Chase and will laugh at everything he does! He's also very ticklish and it's fun to tickle his protruding tummy and give him little kisses on his neck to tickle and get a giggle! And, he especially loves to giggle at me when I'm dancing, he just loves my dance moves! :-) You can tell he's trying to communicate now, he will make all sorts of noises sometimes whining, I have to admit he does have his more challenging moments as all babies do but most of the time he's just trying to get your attention, or he is hungry or sleepy.
His sleeping routine is okay. He still gets up 1-2x a night and needs a bottle but it's much better than the newborn days of getting up every 2 hours so I'm thankful he is where he is! Scott and I switch off Colby and Chase duty and haven't slept in the same room for awhile. I can't blame that all on the boys, my hubby has been known to snore, and not just a little bit but rather loudly... :-) We're hoping to tranistion Colby into his crib someday soon but for now the co-sleeper in our bedroom downstairs seems to work for us and our current routine. Happy Nine Months, little Colby! You are a blessing to our family!
Wacky Wednesday Write-up #6
We decided to go out for breakfast and because it is just too tempting and convenient, and easy, and because we were headed to Target which happens to be right across the street, we went to McDs. We don't venture to the golden arches often really not at all unless we are in a rush and on the road and there are no other options but I have to say there is something to be said for breakfast at McDs especially if you are solo with two kids. The sheer convenience of walking up and ordering just one Big Breakfast with hot cakes, eggs, english muffin, and a vanilla latte all for about $8 is pretty amazing. And, the fact that one BB will feed two children (granted one is 9 mos. old but he's a darn good eater and most of the time eats more than my 3 year old) and one adult it also pretty amazing not too mention yet again convenient... Also, the fact that it is ready in about 5 minutes is also miraculous and really the reason we went.... Most of the time I prefer Kelly's in downtown Gig Harbor but often I have had to wait for more than 30minutes for breakfast and the thought about waiting that long, solo with two hungry kids made me a little desperate for fast and easy thus our McD breakfast. Another plus is the play area, of course. Chase had a blast with the basketball court play area and had fun making baskets, and he did, he made some pretty incredible shots. I don't know why I'm so surprised with his athletic ability, his eye-hand-coordination is incredible...He also enjoyed the slides... As I said it has been awhile since I've spent time at a McDs lately and I was actually pretty surprised by the cool play area not to mention how clean/sanitary it was... Go Gig Harbor McD (by Costco)!
After our breakfast we went to Target where we picked up a few things. My goal there was to purchase a little splash pool one of the hard plastic ones instead of using our blow-up one so I could just fill it up on warm, sunny days and not have to fuss with blowing it up! Or, rather have Scott fuss with blowing it up. :) I thought it would be fun to do a little "swimming" with the boys today because it was going to be so nice and warm. No luck on finding the pool at Target and so on to the next adventure...
Whenever it is nice out, I love to get the boys outside as much as I can. Because of my commute I like to take a little breather from driving so we often stay at home, rain or shine. If is a nice day we head outside and do some "gardening" like watering our flowers or digging, we also love to swing or play baseball or just sit in the sun... But today after we couldn't find the pool, I decided to head to Kopachuck State Park. It's one of my favorite state parks, easy hike down to the water (even though it is a hike coming back up, all up hill), and there are great shaded picnic spots and when the tide is out, a rocky and sandy beach where Chase can explore and dig. The Olympic Mountains can also be seen from the park which are as always breathtaking if in view, today was an exceptional day to see the mountains at the park...
When we arrived we were one of two other families there. It was a slight challenge getting Chase, the Bob with Colby strapped inside, and me with baby backpack in tow on my back down the stairs and over the humongous logs that line the beach but we made it! It was totally warm and sunny, a picture-perfect northwest, spring day! It even felt a little like summer!!!!
Chase doesn't like to get dirty and unfortunately he wore the wrong shoes, his Crocs. But, he had a great time after he got used to getting a few pebbles in his shoes.... Colby on the other hand did not mind getting dirty at all... he opted to venture off his waterproof mat and started crawling all over the mud and was completely filthy in a matter of minutes. I knew he wouldn't sit still, he is all over the place right now but I thought it would be fun to see him get a little dirty and do some exploring, too, with Chase. And, he did!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Wacky Wednesday Write-up #5
Finally, my week has been fairly normal as far as my schedule goes, and I had my Wednesday with my boys! Yea! Although I must admit we had a rocky start. I didn't have a specific schedule in mind but was hoping for good weather so we could get outside and maybe even head to the park. That did not happen and we had rain, heavy rain for most of the day.
We were feeling a little bit of cabin fever around noon, so after lunch I decided it was time to go for a ride. I had a few errands to run anyway and thought it might be a great way to get the boys to nap, both boys fall asleep pretty easily in the car and Colby was due for one. He's so funny when we're all home together, he doesn't nap as much as he should because he wants to play with Chase... I can tell he's just full of energy being around his big bro that he just can't take a break for a nap. He does hit his limit or sometimes it's my limit where I have to get him down and I'll separate them and rock Colby until he falls asleep but most of the time he's up ready to play and in a fairly good mood.
So, we hopped in the car and headed to our first stop, the post-office to mail a few letters and our latest Netflix movie that Scott and I finally watched after 3 months, Knight & Day, which was horrible... not even worth a rental!!! I can't believe that has been sitting at our house for that long waiting to be watched. As we left the post office, Colby was already asleep but Chase was not... My ultimate plan was to make it to the Library but Colby had just fallen asleep and it was five minutes away... so what to do? Both boys were due for a haircut especially Chase! This has been on my list for weeks to get the boys' haircuts but something always trumps this little errand because with Chase it is usually not fun. He has to be in the right mood and state of mind to get it done, even when Gram is here. He's just not a fan of haircuts! So, before I made my mind up to go, I asked him if he wanted a hair cut and he said Yes! Here was my chance! He seemed like he was up for it, in a good mood not too tired yet from not napping, so we were on our way! Tacoma is about 15 minutes away without traffic but it would give Colby a little extra time to nap in the car.
We arrived and both boys got hair cuts. This was Colby's official first haircut which I honestly didn't realize until after it was too late... I didn't bring my camera to take any photos!!!! I could kick myself! But, it isn't technically his first haircut because I've cut his hair at home and saved his hair already maybe that's why it didn't occur to me but I still should have taken photos!! Ugh!!!
Anyway, Colby was excellent! He didn't cry at all but did move around a lot in the chair. Miss Lynn was a pro and moved with him and did an amazing job. Although, he seems so grown-up now with his big boy haircut! That makes me a little sad but I know he had to get a "real" hair cut eventually! Chase was also was great! He was extremely shy with Miss Lynn but started to smile a little when the clippers tickled his ears! Their haircuts look great, and it was a much less stressful event than I had imagined. In hindsight I was pretty brave to do this on my own usually Scott and I go together because Chase is pretty upset and difficult to control and with Colby it can be challenging. I'm proud that I tacked it on my own, and with both kids! Here are my boys with their brand new haircuts!
Anyway, Colby was excellent! He didn't cry at all but did move around a lot in the chair. Miss Lynn was a pro and moved with him and did an amazing job. Although, he seems so grown-up now with his big boy haircut! That makes me a little sad but I know he had to get a "real" hair cut eventually! Chase was also was great! He was extremely shy with Miss Lynn but started to smile a little when the clippers tickled his ears! Their haircuts look great, and it was a much less stressful event than I had imagined. In hindsight I was pretty brave to do this on my own usually Scott and I go together because Chase is pretty upset and difficult to control and with Colby it can be challenging. I'm proud that I tacked it on my own, and with both kids! Here are my boys with their brand new haircuts!
After haircuts, we headed to the library! Chase was so excited to get his library card and to borrow books. I also got a card myself and am looking forward to downloading e-books as well as checking out books, too! After getting our cards, we headed start to the Children's section and picked out our books.. Chase picked out 4 "Spot" books like his "Spot's First Easter" book that he loves. He chose "Spot loves his Teacher," "Spot loves his Grandpa," "Spot's First Words," and "Spot loves his Friends." He also picked out a Hidden Animals book. I have a feeling that the library will be our Wednesday spot on rainy days this summer! :-)
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